
Create Test Link

Create new test link for a given test
POST https://apiv3.imocha.io/v3/tests/{testId}/testlinks
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Request URL Parameters
Field Type Required Default
testId Integer64 Yes -
Request Body Parameters
Field Type Description
testId Integer64 Unique identifier given to each test
testLinkName String Name of test link
testLinkStatus String Gives status of given test link as active or inactive
proctoringSettings.proctoringMode String Supported mode - disabled, image, video
stakeholderEmails String Comma separated list of emails used to send stakeholders email after candidate test completion
invitationType Integer Type of invitation link - email or open
invitationSchedule object properties
scheduleType String Represent scheduleType set for current link. Possible value are validityindays, timebound, slotwise
scheduleDetails Contains invitation access time settings for validityindays, timebound, slotwise scheduletypes
invitationSchedule.scheduleDetails object properties
startDateTime String Start datetime in UTC ISO 8601 Format Example: "2020-06-11T16:00:00Z" Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ
endDateTime String End datetime in UTC ISO 8601 Format Example: "2020-06-20T16:00:00Z" Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZg
timeZoneId Integer64 Timezone id in which invitation will be accessed.
invitationValidityInDays Integer Used when scheduleType set to validityindays value.
Example API endpoint

URL 1: /v3/tests/1134601/testlinks

Sample Request Body (InvitationType="email")
Request Body
{ "testLinkName": "ashish123", "testLinkStatus": "active", "invitationType": "email", "proctoringSettings": { "proctoringMode": "disabled" }, "stakeholderEmails": "[email protected]", "invitationSchedule": { "scheduleType": "validityindays", "scheduleDetails": { "invitationValidityInDays": 7, "timeZoneId": 200 } } }
Sample Request Body (InvitationType="email" and scheduleType="timebound" or scheduleType="slotwise")
Request Body
{ "testLinkName": "ashish123", "testLinkStatus": "active", "invitationType": "email", "proctoringSettings": { "proctoringMode": "disabled" }, "stakeholderEmails": "[email protected]", "invitationSchedule": { "scheduleType": "timebound", "scheduleDetails": { "startDateTime":"2020-04-17T04:30:00Z", "endDateTime":"2020-04-26T05:30:00Z", "timeZoneId":1720 } } }
Sample Request Body (InvitationType="open")
Request Body
{ "testLinkName": "ashish123", "testLinkStatus": "active", "invitationType": "open", "proctoringSettings": { "proctoringMode": "disabled" }, "stakeholderEmails": "[email protected]", "invitationSchedule": { "scheduleType": "timebound", "scheduleDetails": { "startDateTime":"2020-04-17T04:30:00Z", "endDateTime":"2020-04-26T05:30:00Z", "timeZoneId":1720 } } }
Successful response

Status 200 OK

{ "testLinkId": 108669, "testId": 1134601, "testLinkName": "280", "testLink": "19840d6c", "testLinkStatus": "active", "invitationType": "email", "isApiLink": false, "proctoringSettings": { "proctoringMode": "disabled" }, "stakeholderEmails": "[email protected]", "invitationSchedule": { "scheduleType": "validityindays", "scheduleDetails": { "invitationValidityInDays": 7, "timeZoneId": 200 } } }
Failed response

Status 400 Bad Request

If required parameters have invalid values.

{ "errors": [ "Invitation Type field value is outside of permissible value" ] }
Parameter Value Description Parameter Type Data Type
testId test Id associated with particular test Query Integer64
TestLinkName Name of test link Body String
TestLinkStatus Gives status of given test link as active or inactive Body String
InvitationType Type of invitation link - email or open Body String
ProctoringMode Supported mode - disabled, image, video Body String
StakeholderEmails Comma separated list of emails used to send stakeholders email after candidate test completion Body String
ScheduleType Represent scheduleType set for current link. Possible value are validityindays, timebound, slotwise Body String
InvitationValidityInDays Used when scheduleType set to validityindays value. Body Integer
StartDateTime Start datetime in UTC ISO 8601 Format Example: "2020-06-11T16:00:00Z" Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ Body String
EndDateTime End datetime in UTC ISO 8601 Format Example: "2020-06-11T16:00:00Z" Format: YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ Body String
TimeZoneId Timezone id in which invitation will be accessed. Body Integer64
  • Response Body